ZBA Hearing

Event Date: 
Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - 7:30pm to 8:30pm



            NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Inc. Village of Brightwaters will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 7:30pm at Village Hall, 40 Seneca Drive, Brightwaters, New York 11718, to consider the following application for variance relief:

Mr. Thomas C. Burke, 25 Seneca Drive, Brightwaters, NY 11718, seeks permission to install a new fence facing Seneca Drive in violation of Village Code Section 128-26 A(2), which states that no fence or hedge shall extend nearer a street property line than the front line of the dwelling, Applicant proposing to place the fence zero feet from the street property line. 

Mr. William Haugland, 484 Potter Blvd., Brightwaters, NY  11718, seeks permission to construct a two-story addition, rear porch expansion and removal of patio and shed in violation of Village Code Section 128-29 A, which limits the total building area (FAR) to 20% of the lot area, Applicant proposing 20.9% (20.2% existing).  In violation of Village Code Section 128-10, which requires a minimum roof pitch of five on twelve (5/12), Applicant proposing zero on twelve (0/12) pitch and a three on twelve (3/12) pitch.

Mrs. Iris Brock, 105 Hiawatha Drive, Brightwaters, NY  11718, seeks permission to construct an addition of a front porch and expand the pool patio, in violation of Village Code Section 128-29 A, which limits the total building area (FAR) to 20% of the lot area, Applicant proposing 28% (30.29% existing).

All applicants or their duly authorized representative are required to be at this hearing at the time specified above.  All interested parties are welcome and will be given an opportunity to be heard.

Nicole Rhodes

Clerk, Zoning Board of Appeals

Brightwaters. NY 11718

Dated:  October 8, 2021